Privacy disclaimer

Art. 10 – Methods of conservation / archiving of contractual documents

10.1 Ai sensi dell’art. 12 D.lgs. 70/2003, as well as art. 50-51 Consumer Code, the Purchaseris informed that each of his orders sent onlinewill be stored and archived in digital and / or paper format at the Supplier, according to appropriate criteria of confidentiality and security. For any copies or other requests in this regard, the Buyeris invited to contact the Supplierat the following address 0248841209.

10.2 The Purchaseris invited to file both the Order Receiptand the Shipping Confirmation sent by the Supplieron their device, in an appropriate digital format, as well as these General Online Sales Conditions, printing them in any case.

Art. 15. – Processing of the Buyer’s personal data

15.1 The Supplierprotects the Buyer’s personal data, ensuring full compliance of their treatment with the relevant legislation and, in this case, with Regulation 679/2016 ( / TXT / PDF /? Uri = CELEX: 32016R0679 & from = IT) as well as the relevant national regulations (Privacy Code, as last amended by Legislative Decree 101/2018).

15.2 Referring, for details, toInformation on the processing of personal data website and connected Extended information on the use of cookies is anticipated as personal data acquired directly and / or indirectly through the Site, will be collected and processed electronically / electronically, and if necessary on paper, with the following main purposes: i) register the order; ii) proceed with the execution of the Contractand related communications; iii) fulfill legal obligations; iv) manage commercial relationships to better perform the requested services. The correct and timely communication of the Buyer’spersonal data is a necessary condition for the timely execution of the Contractby the Supplier, which, failing that, will not be able to process the Buyer’sorder.

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